Tuesday 23 October 2018


MPs are beginning to complain about the number of Statutory Instruments being churned out. This report (HERE) on Politics Home says only 71 of the estimated 800-1000 SIs have so far been published although where they get this number from I don't know. The government website which lists them (HERE) shows 44 as of today.  Either way its between 5 and 9% of the total estimated to be required.

When the government first announced the huge extension of the use of SIs (known as Henry VIII powers for obvious reasons) MPs were very unhappy and a compromise was reached to allow Select Committees to approve them. But now the complaint is that they are falling like confetti. Politics Home says:

"Following a furious row with MPs over the use of SIs - which can be passed without going through the full scrutiny process - ministers agreed to let parliamentary committees oversee the host of tweaks and flag up any controversial changes.

"But the Hansard Society warned that a lack of progress means MPs may have to be bypassed completely in order to get Britain's statue book in shape for Brexit".

It is precisely as I wrote a few days ago (HERE). Parliament will soon be overwhelmed, and don't forget the 800-1000 figure is described as a ministerial estimate. I wouldn't be surprised to learn the actual number will be far higher. This is how government is conducted nowadays. Don't tell them the truth in one go in case there is mass apoplexy. Leak a bit out at a time to cushion the shock.