Friday 21 December 2018


John Longworth, former head of the British Chambers of Commerce and fanatical Brexiteer has written a piece for The Huffington Post (HERE) entitled: With 100 Days To Brexit, No-Deal Is Looking Like The Best Outcome – Bring It On.  Longworth is a headbanger with an almost complete detachment from reality. Nothing about Brexit is a problem. There is no hardship that the British people won't face in order to allow him to live in his isolationist fantasy.

He seems to regard Brexit as a military conflict where Britain, from an unlikely position, rises to victory over a hated enemy:

"A lot can happen in a hundred days. Napoleon escaped his incarceration, raised an army, took Paris and lost the battle of Waterloo all within a hundred days, all without the web, AI or the EU. Within a hundred days Churchill managed to do the impossible, snatch victory from the jaws of defeat – overcome his quisling colleagues in the Tory Party, rescue an army at Dunkirk, defeat the Luftwaffe and save Britain from invasion all within just one hundred days".

We might imagine Longworth dressed as Biggles with goggles and a flying helmet, tapping away at his keyboard knocking out stories of a plucky Britain defeating the might of the massed French and German forces across the Channel.

He is a complete nutter.

"However, we have plenty of time now to push forward to liberty. Far from being a “cliff edge”, “crashing out” or armageddon (all terms propagated and adopted gleefully by the Remain-supporting media) 29 March represents a huge opportunity to reset social justice in Britain and to boost our economy enormously". 

Some of the stuff in his article is quite stunningly stupid. Listen to these statements:

"World Trade terms (WTO) are the basis of 95% of world trade, including that conducted by the EU with much of the rest of the world - China, the USA etc. The majority of UK exports are under WTO terms and this trading system works perfectly well. It is this tried and tested system that will result from a no-deal exit, not a cliff edge"

None of this is true, although he seems to think it is. Or this:

"Exports from the UK to the EU, which represent just 13% of our economy and which are conducted by just 8% of businesses, could be affected in the short term if there is mendacious (and illegal) delay activity at continental ports, in particular Calais. However, Calais is a business and would suffer if this were the case, as the CEO of Calais Port publicly acknowledged. There are plenty of ports in the EU to choose from, many of which would be delighted to secure the additional business".

Longworth thinks all the Ro-Ro traffic that goes through Dover can be switched overnight to Rotterdam or Zeebrugge and worse that these ports are somehow not in the EU - where exactly the same problems as will exist in Dover will still exist.

Neither does he ask himself if it's all so easy, why parliament has such a huge majority against this disaster and at almost any cost - including MPs like Nick Boles, Anna Soubry and I suspect plenty of others, who will resign the party whip (effectively leave the party they have supported all their lives) rather that allow Britain to leave the EU without a deal. Ignoring all the evidence, he ends:

"Preparations for no-deal are in train and will gather momentum. Unless the EU significantly change their position, a no-deal exit seems likely and is now by far the best outcome. Bring it on".

Err...., as Margaret Thatcher once said, "No, no, no, no and no". 

I have written several times about Mr Longworth who has uttered more nonsense about the EU than almost anybody else at Leave means Leave. Read it HERE. He is a dangerously stupid man.