Sunday 2 February 2020

Brexit: the #thick of it

The Brexit day celebrations on Friday were certainly an eye opener. It's just as well I avoided TV that night, our set is only insured for accidental damage. The television companies as usual were out in force in Parliament Square to capture comments from the revellers who think Brexit is-a-good-thing because it's a-good-thing. Needless to say they did not seem to find anyone who could articulate why. Paul Dacre has a lot to answer for.

However, a lot of clips found their way onto social media on Saturday and #thick was trending. Piers Morgan took exception to it as if he thought the people being parodied were towering intellects of the Brexit camp - and perhaps they were, who are we to judge?

It's difficult to know how to read the coverage. Either Parliament Square only contained morons or by some amazing chance only morons were picked for interview. The only other explanation is that the TV companies did interview some normal sentient human beings but chose not to broadcast them. I suspect it was the first one. Anyway here are a selection of views in answer to the question: why Brexit? I urge you to watch and learn.

This first clip seems to be of two brain dead women
I like the bit towards the end where the lady on the right turns to her slightly more - err, erudite companion (I use the word erudite at the lower end of the scale) with a shrug when asked which rules we will have more 'say' over. Her friend tells us that, "our court laws will be turned into ours" and "human rights and everything will be turned into our laws".  They look like escapees from a special needs class at a school for cretins.

Next, a Wayne Morgan speaks to the world, obviously from a secure institution somewhere near Kettering, and gives us his take on the reasons for Brexit. "We need our infrastructure back", he tells us. I thought something had been going on. For 40 years German lorries have been sneaking in under cover of darkness and nickin' motorway bridges. No wonder they have so many autobahns over there!  Well, now we can all sleep easy.  And of course we intend to sue and get them all back.
Another pair of women told us they would be 'ecstatic' at 11 o'clock and we would be able to 'get our industry back'. They must think the EU stole that from us too and are holding it at gunpoint in a warehouse somewhere near Hanover.  BMW's transformation of the mini plants at Cowley and Hams Hall and the saving of large sections of British industry by European firms has completely passed them by. The truth is, as Patrick Minford of Economists for Brexit told us, leaving the EU and opening up our markets would mainly 'eliminate manufacturing'.

The level of ignorance was stupendous as Brexit Johnson might have said.

Let me assure you I don't condemn anyone for stupendous ignorance, largely because there are vast areas of human knowledge where that would be a fair description of me.  However, the difference is that I wouldn't vote for something I knew little about - and still less go on national TV and offer my opinion about it to people who actually know what they're talking about. These lobotomised examples really don't have any shame or embarrassment do they?.

This article in The Independent sums it up: Parliament Square was a knuckle-dragging carnival of irredeemable stupidity

How true.  They all seemed completely brain dead

One might have though it was all orchestrated by the Kremlin to portray the United Kingdom as a giant mental institution packed with neanderthals. It will live in the annals of crass stupidity forever.  Let us hope not too many of these 'interviews' were beamed abroad. It would put a stop to any possible future foreign direct investment. 

It's hard to believe we have ten or more years of compulsory education in this country when the product of it seem to lack any knowledge and are quite unable to express any coherent or logical thoughts at all. 

The fact that they have they no idea what they voted for in 2016, didn't prevent them coming out celebrating getting whatever it was on Friday night.  Had I realised we were up against people with this level of stupidity I wouldn't have bothered trying to use facts to convince them they were wrong. It was a waste of time. Facts were like using cotton buds to get through the dense armour plated stupidity of 17 million people.

And yet we should be buoyed up by it. Think about it, these people are expecting SOMETHING REALLY BIG from Brexit and they are going to be terribly disappointed. They have been waiting for some great revelation for nearly four years and they seem incredibly relieved Brexit is 'done'. Let's wind forward two or three years. Their lives have not been utterly transformed.  The NHS is no better than it is now, which is to say quite bad. Some things have got worse. Prices have gone up. The care sector is in crisis. 

What are they to think then?  Assuming they do think, of course.  They can't all be Daily Express readers can they?