Friday 24 March 2017


Leavers made much of democracy in the campaign or the lack of it, so they say, in the EU. It was one of the pillars of their campaign. But I am not sure this is what they really think. Listen to this from Kate Hoey on 17th October 2014 when the EU (Referendum) Bill was being debated:

"The EU has a mechanism for making sure that any real changes do not happen. We will be in a minority even if we get one or two countries to support us, and such changes just will not happen." (Hansard Column 574 HERE)

Every minority in every democracy in the world could make the same argument. The "mechanism" Mrs Hoey speaks about is called democracy. Effectively, they are saying we cannot get what we want all the time, we cannot persuade people that the change we want to make is a good one and so we must leave democracy behind and plough our own furrow. These are the kind of arguments made by dictators,

We have a power of veto over some laws in the EU, in foreign affairs, justice, taxation and the budget. The leavers want us to have this veto (I assume) to stop the EU doing things that they believe will damage our national interests but want to deny a veto to others in the EU when we suggest doing things they think are against their or the EU's interests. David Cameron for example used his veto powers in 2011 to block a deal to resolve the Eurozone crisis (HERE).

Democracy is about the will of the majority of the people. It follows that unless 100% vote for or approve of any particular law or regulation, some people, the minority, will have to accept they lost (as we remainers do). Democrats do not go off in a huff, they continue to lobby or campaign to change things (as we will) and they do not pull out of the mechanisms of government - to do so would be very dangerous. But this is the position of the leavers. Because the EU does not always agree with them (although they do about 95% of the time the voting record shows) they cannot accept not having our own way - otherwise known as democracy.

When we object they say suck it up you lost, when they lose in the EU it's anti-democratic and we must pull out!