Friday 24 March 2017


Yesterday Nigel Adams had to apologise to the House (HERE) after the Committee for Standards in Public Life found that he had breached the code by removing his directorship of NGC Networks Limited and NGC Network Services from the register of MPs' interests, as well his failure on three occasions to declare his and his wife's interest in the companies when taking part in a pair of inquiries by the Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee, of which he is a member.

His apology in full is below :

On a point of order, Mr Speaker. As you will be aware, the Committee on Standards has today published a report, following an inquiry into my declarations of interests during Select Committee inquiries last year, and it has found that there were breaches of the code. The report states that the Standards Committee found that these breaches were very minor. I am grateful that the Committee also concludes that I was seeking to act within the rules and, additionally, that there was no intention on my part to conceal my interests. However, I would like to take this—the earliest—opportunity to offer a full apology to the House.

As usual the failings were minor and there was no intention to mislead. I could have written this before the committee published the report! If you want the sordid details see HERE. I wonder if we'll see it in The Selby Times?