Monday 27 March 2017


The Unite for Europe march went off well on Saturday. It was a long day but worth it to show the government there is still a considerable constituency against Brexit and also to show solidarity with EU citizens here now and EU governments on the continent that the 48% are not going to accept withdrawal quietly. You can read a report HERE.

The crowd was not as big as I would have liked. The York for Europe group that we are part of managed 42 people out of a group membership of about 360 so it was a little disappointing.

The speakers, at least the ones we heard, were good and gave out a lot of hope and optimism that Brexit could be minimised or even stopped. Alastair Campbell made the point that I have made on this blog (HERE) about the demographic making a return to the EU inevitable in the future, and probably the not very distant future. We will have expended a huge amount of national effort, goodwill and money to achieve nothing beyond annoying our closes neighbours.  

Anyway, I enjoyed the march and it was good to be among people who believed in the ideal of the EU and the sense of togetherness it gave between us and the rest of the people in the EU.