Wednesday 28 June 2017


Matthew Elliot will not be well known to many people in this country. He was Chief Executive of the Vote Leave campaign and even before it started he produced a one thousand page tome (HERE) setting out the problems of the EU as he saw them and the possible options if Brexit was a success. Before the referendum he gave evidence before the Treasury Select Committee where Andrew Tyrie gave him a bit of a dressing down (HERE) for refusing on three or four occasions to appear before MPs, something he said no one had ever done before. Such was the arrogance of Mr Elliot.

His performance in front of the committee (HERE) was much like that of Dominic Cummings (HERE) another Vote Leave campaigner, the so-called mastermind behind Brexit. They were both shifty, devious, evasive and ignorant and in the face of clear, incontrovertible evidence they stonewalled, prevaricated and dissembled all the way through. Members of the committee, many of them remainers, come across as careful, measured and reasonable people who care about the future of our country. They must have despaired that a lot of people, in fact 51.9% of the electorate actually believed the stuff Vote Leave put out.

To think that the future of our nation has been guided by people like these two completely untrustworthy charlatans and liars with their casual and cocky insouciance, makes me physically sick. When the German finance minister (HERE) said the British were "endlessly lied to" in the referendum campaign I immediately thought of Matthew Elliot and Dominic Cummings.

However, one can also feel buoyed up knowing the whole of Brexit was built on lies. It cannot be too long before the whole edifice comes crashing down. The truth will out eventually.