Friday 7 July 2017


I have always thought, faced with the inescapable logic that Brexit makes no sense at all and will actually damage us economically and reduce our influence and standing in the world, sooner or later even the most ardent Brexiteers might begin to have doubts. Today, Nick Watt the BBC Newsnight correspondent, told the programme that he was beginning to hear "talk in some quarters that Brexit may never come to fruition" (HERE). He is well connected and I don't doubt that what he is saying is not just wishful thinking.

This comes on the day that Michel Barnier, once again made clear (HERE) we cannot have  the frictionless trade with the EU after we leave that we enjoy now, something Davis and the comedy Brexiteers have always stubbornly insisted we can. Barnier says this is "impossible" and that some politicians over here appeared not to have been “fully understood” the implications of leaving the EU. It is as if the Brexiteers watched David Cameron fail in 2015-16 and thought it was because he didn't try hard enough. They are now facing the same brick wall.

Barnier must be tired of repeating the same things but he went on: “Let me be clear, these consequences are the direct result of the choices made by the UK, not by the EU".

With a bad election result and polls starting to turn against them, with remain now looking as if it would win a referendum if held now and the economy getting sicker with the prospects only looking worse in the years to come, it would not be a surprise if some senior Conservatives are beginning to have second thoughts. We are close to the point where a prominent but soft leaver is going to admit Brexit was irrationally stupid. If they did the floodgates of regret would open I'm sure. Could that person be BoJo?