Friday 7 July 2017


Steve Baker, former chair of the Eurosceptic European Reform Group and recently appointed as a replacement junior minister at DEXEU is already throwing his weight about (HERE). In an interview he is said to have "slapped down" colleagues who want to "reinvent things" in his words or as we might put it, save the nation from the Brexit disaster. 

It would be fascinating to know how this was greeted among cabinet ministers like Hammond and Clark and even deputy prime minister Damian Green all of who are known to want a soft Brexit, if they want it at all. Here is this upstart MP, a back bencher until a couple of weeks ago, telling senior and long standing cabinet ministers that we have to press on, regardless of the consequences, of the "major strategic decision" that he says we have taken to leave the EU. To show any signs of weakness is like putting blood in the water according to him.

It doesn't seem to bother him that the source of the nation's wealth, British industry, is crying out for the government to take a rational position and not to let ideology drive the debate and the country over a cliff. How could such a stupid man ever rise to ministerial office?