Sunday 15 October 2017


Tory rebels have forced a rethink by the government on the number of bills that will eventually be needed to carry through the withdrawal process. This adds more complexity to something that is already extremely complicated. What interested me though is the contribution of Dominic Grieve according to this article HERE. The former Attorney General thinks all the different pieces of primary legislation will need to be pulled together in a final piece of what he calls "wrap" legislation.

However, he does not think this will be ready to be implemented until at least March 2019 and possibly as late as 2021-22. Brexiteers are not at all happy about this and one can barely imagine the fury of the right wing press when they hear about it. 

The ex-minister added: “They [Brexiteers]  may complain, but having embarked on this revolutionary upheaval, there is a bit of me that says you should have thought about that earlier. I’ve been saying to them since the referendum campaign, ‘have you really any idea what you are taking on?’.”

I suspect not one of them has!  I have a great deal of respect for Mr Grieve. He is calm, measured, thoughtful and highly knowledgeable about the law - all things the Brexiteers are not.