Monday 16 October 2017


Something very odd is going on. Yesterday the Independent carried a report (HERE) about David Davis travelling to Brussels for an unscheduled "emergency" meeting to try and break the deadlock. Then around 10:00pm last night Sky News told us (HERE) that Mrs May would travel to Brussels for a meeting with Juncker and Barnier with Downing Street claiming the meeting had been planned for a long time although the meeting wasn't in Junckers published diary on Friday

At first it wasn't clear if May and Davis would go together or not but now it appears that they are. It also transpires it was Mrs May who called Angela Merkel at the weekend and she plans to speak to President Macron later today. No 10 deny any sense of panic - well, they would say that wouldn't they?

The European Council will meet in Brussels on the 19th and 20th and on the agenda will be an item about starting future trade talks and there is speculation that Mrs May will plead with them to get on to trade as soon as possible. So much for them needing us more than we need them. If that was the case I would have expected Juncker to be flying here and begging us but he isn't.

It's all very mysterious. Sky seem to think it points to No 10 taking a bigger role, especially after Ollie Robbins move from DEXEU to the cabinet office.