Monday 9 October 2017


Great article (HERE) by Rachel Sylvester about the Tory party and it's long obsession about Europe. Once more the party is talking about nothing else. What is amazing is how some in the party realise it's this very obsession, ancient ideas about sovereignty and nationhood, that is alienating them from the younger pro EU generation but don't do anything. Young people simply don't understand and don't care about these tired old arguments about the nation state.

Stunningly, one unnamed veteran Conservative MP reports his own children voted Labour and Lib Dem! How much closer to home does it have to get?

And a recent YouGov poll puts support for the Conservatives among 18-24 year olds at 14%, which does not bode well for the party's future. So, obsessed are the Brexiteers with taking us out of the EU that they are oblivious to the consequences of it for their own political survival. 

Not surprisingly, she claims, "Privately some ministers, who supported Remain, admit that they still believe Brexit will be an economic disaster but see no way to stop it without destroying their tribe. “Ultimately it comes down to party before country,” according to one MP.

The argument will never be settled. The party needs to split so that the electorate have a choice between a pro-EU Conservative offering and the lunatic fringe on the extreme right. Dominic Grieve, the Conservative MP, former Attorney General and a very wise man it has always seemed to me, says Brexit is a profoundly unconservative (HERE) thing to do. He's right.

Update:  I note this article HERE in The Guardian by Jonathan Freedland on the same topic.