Saturday 14 April 2018


David Davis, the imbecile in charge of DEXEU, has told an audience at a Wall Street Journal event (HERE) that unless parliament has a substantive idea of what the final deal looks like they might block the withdrawal agreement. This is because they might object to paying £39 billion unless they know what they're getting.

Two things are wrong with this. First of all, the £39 billion is to settle our past commitments not to pay for a future trade deal. I know Brexiteers have threatened to withhold payment unless we get a "good" deal but it doesn't alter the facts.

Secondly, the EU has now said there will be no detailed trade talks anyway, and so, according to The Telegraph "crushes" Davis, hopes of detailed talks before Brexit day next year.

Parliament and the ultra Brexiteers will have to vote the Withdrawal Bill through without a detailed understanding of what the trade deal will look like. It will be a case of pay the money and hope for the best.

Time is not on the Brexiteers side. There is a growing chance of the economy really starting to be affected by Brexit. The flawed and narrow mandate given by the British public in June 2016 is getting more and more out of date with every passing month.

I think that Davis is getting nervous about parliament flexing its muscles and rejecting the Withdrawal treaty.