Wednesday 19 December 2018


Brexit Central are cranking up the remainer blaming narrative. Two articles this week are slanted towards those who are 'thwarting' the will of the people. Tom Lees, who is described as having pursued a career in strategy and communications and has worked for two Cabinet ministers is the author of one (HERE) while Austin Mitchell, Grimsby's own resident half-wit and former MP, has the other (HERE).

Lees thinks after the referendum we should all have laid down our arms, stopped campaigning, accepted the result and let the politicians get on with implementing our 'collective decision'. This isn't how it worked out was it? He didn't count on us not accepting the close result in the same way that Farage told us he wouldn't if it had gone the other way. His article is titled: After voting Leave, we didn’t reckon on the relentless antics of the Remain-obsessed establishment and says:

"The problem? A festering swamp of the political elite, high echelons of the Civil Service, big business and the wider establishment were bubbling in hatred at the result. How dare the people go against what we, ‘the very clever experts’, think?

"Of course, they had only ever gone along with giving people the choice because they arrogantly thought they were certain to win. The result completely shocked them.

"Initially, they were resigned to the fact that they had lost. The people had kicked back against their globalist agenda. This short-term resignation quickly changed into a well-organised and relentless campaign by those who benefit from the status quo to frustrate or stop Brexit at every turn".

Perhaps he thought the 700,000 who turned out for the People's vote march was made of a festering swamp of elites, high echelons of the civil service and big business although to me they all seemed like neat, well dressed, ordinary people who were appalled at the disaster being heaped on us by men like Lees. As for the people kicking back 'against the globalist agenda' when voting to leave, I'm simply stunned. I thought it was us remainers who were supposed to stopping Brexit opening up Global Britain? Hasn't he read the script?

Nowhere does he admit to Brexit presenting any problems whatsoever. He obviously doesn't think there are any. It's an easy task made to look difficult by those who 'benefit from the status quo'. I think he must mean those who prefer the grassy bank at the top of the cliff to the jagged rocks below.

The doddering 85 year old Austin Mitchell was always a bit of a wag and known for appearing on TV as a journalist, presenter and pundit as well as on Have I Got News For You occasionally. He has a degree in History and a PhD from Oxford. This doesn't prevent him being an idiot and becoming totally addled. His piece is: The Remainers’ shocking litany of lies. You can tell from the title that he likes a joke.

"In their annoyance at the people for rejecting their beloved EU, yesterday’s men claimed that the people had been bamboozled by lies, Russian propaganda and their stupidity in not understanding the huge benefits of the EU. Particularly to our establishment. Their real concern was that their own lies and manufactured fears were rejected by the people after forty years’ experience of the rambling shambles that is the EU.

"Defeated, they’ve now launched an even bigger programme of lies to put the people back into their box and con them to stay in it and the EU"

He overlooks the fact that the 'rambling shambles' that is the EU has nimbly run rings round us since Article 50 was invoked and he goes on to try and rubbish claims that leaving would be to crash over the cliff edge to disaster by saying, "Oddly the rest of the world trades with the EU on WTO terms more successfully than we do as members".

The EU trade with barely any country on WTO terms as a glance at the EU's Treaties database would show Mr Mitchell if only he could leave his simmering resentment and prejudice for ten minutes.

Some countries may well trade with the EU more successfully from outside but it does not occur to him that that may have something to do with our manufacturers and exporters rather than the EU. It's the old blame the customer if he won't buy your products.

If this is the best that Brexit Central can do - a sort of dumb and dumber - we cannot lose.