Showing posts with label Leave Alliance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leave Alliance. Show all posts

Monday, 4 September 2017


There is an awful lot of rubbish in the press about Brexit, much of it quite misleading and some of it plain wrong. Where do you go for the truth or at least reasoned thinking about what may happen or what is actually possible?  I like to read the blog of a man called Richard North (HERE). He is not a remainer and is actually part of the Leave Alliance but he is both knowledgeable and sensible and for that reason I think his opinions are worth reading. I recommend it.

Thursday, 31 August 2017


The Leave Alliance is a collection of serious people who have given a great deal of thought to leaving the EU. They are not UKIP or the wilfully blind Brexiteers who cannot see the cliff edge the government still appears to be headed for.  The Alliance's plan, called Flexcit, is at least rational and they envisage a period in the EEA while we negotiate a new trading arrangement. 

Monday, 28 August 2017


On the remain side, we are sometimes guilty of thinking those on the other side of the argument are slightly stupid or have been duped by others but I think we know this is not always true. There is a group called The Leave Alliance (HERE) who campaigned for a leave vote and have given a lot of careful thought to it – producing a 400 page document proposing something called Flexcit (HERE) which has the benefit of being rational at least.