Monday, 13 March 2017


Newspapers are full of rumours that the government is to trigger Article 50 this week, perhaps as early as tomorrow. There is still, in my opinion, a huge amount of uncertainty about where we're headed but the roulette wheel is spinning, Mrs May is about to launch the ball and take a huge gamble, the biggest of her life on red or black. At stake is the entire nation's future prosperity and standing in the world. Even a breaking up of the UK is possible.

But I am not at all sure the government realises the enormity of what is about to happen. Once Article 50 is triggered we lose all control of events. Effectively, we will have left the cliff edge and in two years time unless others intervene we will hit the bottom. The nation will be unable to control its own destiny.

The negotiations have never been attempted before. The content scope and order are not yet agreed and cannot be agreed before hand. The course and outcome are unknown and unknowable. The risks are enormous. Forecasts that have been made are described as too pessimistic but could equally be too optimistic. No one knows what is going to happen over the next two years. Only Brexiteers have an outward show of confidence, let us hope it is not misplaced.

Even the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee is worried there has been no contingency planning for the UK's exit with no free trade agreement in place (HERE).