During the campaign, Priti Patel who was then International Development Secretary, said in a speech to the Institute Of Directors (HERE) on 17th May 2016 that “If we could just halve the burdens of the EU social and employment legislation we could deliver a £4.3 billion boost to our economy and 60,000 new jobs.” It was as usual pointing the finger at the EU.
After the referendum and under a bit of pressure, the government hurriedly produced a white paper (HERE) in February about Brexit. The White paper was published, as we know, the day AFTER the commons voted to approve the EU Notification of Withdrawal Bill 2017. On page 31 dealing with employment rights -the ones Mrs Patel wanted to halve - it introduces the topic with these words:
UK employment law already goes further than many of the standards set out in EU legislation and this Government will protect and enhance the rights people have at work.
So, we learn not only that the UK already goes further than the EU require but after we leave, the government intends to protect and even "enhance" them. We could easily roll back the "burdens" that we have added ourselves without leaving the EU. This again is an example of how it all works. You stand in front of the IOD and blame the Aunt Sally EU for things your own government has done while trying to garner support from them for cutting red tape. Afterwards, you sneak out a white paper setting out how you plan to add to the red tape. What a lark it all is.
Also, Ms Patel was being really very modest about saving £4.3 billion, have a look at this on the Conservative Home website (HERE) where Harry Phibbs (yes, I'm afraid he does!) says we can save a massive £33.3 billion by scrapping EU regulations and even claims The Telegraph puts the number at £120 billion! This is the same Telegraph that couldn't even come up with five EU laws to repeal (HERE) that might save 33 pence! Someone is in for a big shock after Brexit - and I don't think it will be me.
Also, Ms Patel was being really very modest about saving £4.3 billion, have a look at this on the Conservative Home website (HERE) where Harry Phibbs (yes, I'm afraid he does!) says we can save a massive £33.3 billion by scrapping EU regulations and even claims The Telegraph puts the number at £120 billion! This is the same Telegraph that couldn't even come up with five EU laws to repeal (HERE) that might save 33 pence! Someone is in for a big shock after Brexit - and I don't think it will be me.