Wednesday, 24 May 2017


Researchers at Cambridge University have carried out a number of what I suppose could be called focus groups into the thinking behind people's vote in last years referendum (HERE). These were all done in the east of England and included groups of people from both sides of the argument and varying in age and size. It seems to confirm what other polling evidence, taken well after the result, has already shown - that when it is explained to them, most people recognise the single market is a good thing and want to remain part of it. The EEA option is thought to be the best. Read the full report as a pdf HERE.

However, what also comes out of the report is the ridiculous and appalling ignorance about the EU. Even now the report found the most common negative examples of how the EU impacted people's daily lives were the banning of kids playing conkers at school and the sale of bent bananas. Many people thought we could leave the EU "immediately". Others said, "I didn't know what I was voting for. What do leave and remain even mean?"

One person thought that if "everyone could have a council house and see a doctor then half the leave voters wouldn't have done so". In other words they were answering a different question and paradoxically the answer they gave makes getting a house and seeing a doctor more difficult after we leave the EU.

How annoying it is when the Brexiteers tell us people knew exactly what they were voting for. After reading the report I am more confident than ever that we will soon be back in the EU. Voters were conned and sooner or later it will be clear who the conmen were.