Sunday, 21 May 2017


The Conservative manifesto still seems to believe in cherry picking various European programmes. On page 36 (HERE) is this statement "There may be specific European programmes in which we might want to participate and if so, it is reasonable that we make a contribution".

I don't know how this comes across in the EU but to me it looks like cherry picking. In fact it looks even worse than that. To use the now well-worn golf club analogy, we seem to have had a blazing row with the members and secretary and, after storming out shouting about leaving, we are now wandering round deciding which facilities we want to continue to use after we have "left".

At the moment the Commission is upset because we are blocking a review of the EU budget, something we did at the last minute in April after months of discussion (HERE). We did it on the grounds of the General Election but it looks like we are just trying to be awkward. After all, we are leaving in two years and the overall budget is not going to increase, the review is just to reshuffle money to help refugees.

I would not be surprised if the EU suggest a clean break is best.