Friday, 9 June 2017


Well, I didn't see that coming! YouGov are vindicated. They predicted a hung parliament and this is what we have. I'm not sure they believed their own forecast at the time since it was so far from many other pollsters but in the event they were spot on as was the exit poll. What does it mean?

Mrs May has been seriously damaged and may not survive. If she decides to limp on she will be weakened in the negotiations and humiliated in parliament. She told us other parties were trying to "thwart" Brexit which wasn't true then but it probably is now and made possible by her actions.

Having called the election to increase her majority and give her stability, she is now saying, with no majority at all, she must stay on to give - well, stability! This is ridiculous and she must see it.

It was an act of hubris, exactly the same as David Cameron. She believed that she had the nation behind her. It turns out she was wrong. They looked and didn't like what they saw.

It seems to be a serious rejection of a hard Brexit. Together with losses by the SNP perhaps it is a plea for more unity in the UK and with our European partners. People seem to be saying no to the politics of division and if so, I applaud it.

If the Conservatives go into coalition with the DUP people will be outraged if they use that to force through a hard Brexit. It would be an affront to the 48%. The coalition of chaos?

If, at seems likely, younger voters came out for Labour it should be a lesson well learned. Their vote may have made the difference.

The negotiations for Brexit are going to be more complicated and an EEA position far more likely. This is good and keeps us close to Europe. Let us hope for this outcome.

I think there should be an all-party committee on Brexit. It is too important to be left to one party to decide. Also, if the DUP are involved then Scotland and Wales should be too.

The result was a disaster for UKIP. They have failed to win a seat in parliament in so may elections it is hard now to understand why Cameron so feared them in 2014 he offered the referendum.

The hard Brexiteers like Fox, Davis, IDS and others are going to have to rein back on Brexit. Pro remain MPs must make their voices heard and I pray that they will. The Conservatives will face internal arguments and big divisions.

Perhaps I'm wrong but I hope that one of the factors behind the result is a growing realisation that Brexit is going to be far more difficult than people were led to believe, achieved through a slender margin and sold on a pack of lies.