Friday, 16 June 2017


Mrs May is on life-support at the moment. She will go down as the worst Prime Minister in modern times and certainly one of the shortest premierships. This is all totally deserved. She was weak, controlling and indecisive, a terrible combination in any leader. Recruiting the best minds, giving clear aims and delegating responsibility are qualities without which no leader can survive for long. She had none of them.

There is little doubt she took over at a bad time. The EU referendum had gone the wrong way as far as the government was concerned but she made a bad situation even worse. She should have reached out to remainers and other parties to agree a cross-party position but instead she has alienated the EU, the SNP and the 48% who voted to remain with her sudden conversion from soft remainer to hard Brexiteer. The appointment of Davis, Johnson and Fox only exacerbated matters.

The two advisers she was forced to sack last week, Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill were apparently feared and loathed. For Mrs Hill it was the second time she had been sacked by Theresa May. What does this say about the prime minister's judgement?  

The election result was the best possible outcome. We may finally be reaching a position where a reasonable settlement can be achieved, close to the EU and as springboard to rejoin at some future date when we have a real leader again - although it may take some time. We need a British Emmanuel Macron but where will we find him?