Tuesday, 6 June 2017


Ruth Davidson was on Radio 4 last Friday and continued to advocate a big Conservative majority to give Theresa May the flexibility to get "the best possible deal" with the EU. This argument has been advanced throughout the election campaign. Mrs May's​ authority must be bolstered we are told otherwise the EU will walk all over us. The only thing we do not know is what the "best possible deal" looks like but I think we can guess.

We are being softened up to accept whatever deal she negotiates as the "best possible". In fact I guarantee that it will. David Cameron said the same thing at the beginning of 2016. Anyone who thinks she will admit to getting anything other than the "best possible deal" should seek help now. It is not going to happen.

The problem for Cameron was a significant section of the Conservative party didn't believe him. The same thing will happen to Theresa May unless the separation is total with no regard for the economic, cultural and political damage caused. Any payment, link to the ECJ or hint of freedom of movement will be seen as weakness and she will pay a huge political price for it.