Monday, 12 June 2017


In Sunday's Telegraph, Jacob Rees-Mogg and IDS have articles supporting Theresa May. IDS (HERE) says Conservatives must get behind her to avoid Brexit chaos - I'm not sure where he's been for the past couple of days. Rees-Mogg says the election result gave no mandate for watering down Brexit (HERE). It looks like a bit of panic setting in. The pair seem worried that the nation may not actually be destroyed economically as they want.

Neither has been paying much ,attention but perhaps this is not surprising, living as they do in cloud cuckoo land. Ruth Davidson, the leader of the twelve Scottish Conservative MPs is against a hard Brexit and the DUP are anxious to avoid a hard border between North and South in Ireland. Plus a majority of both Labour and Conservative MPs are not in favour of a hard Brexit. The voices of the lunatics like Rees-Mogg and IDS will never prevail now.

A new post election poll puts Labour six points ahead of the Tories. If labour explain that leaving the single market is definitely going to mean less money for public services I think they would win a landslide themselves under Corbyn. The economy is stumbling and figures for borrowing, tax and trade are all going to get worse before they get better. Uncertainty around the negotiations are not likely to improve matters.

Who knows, Brexit may not even happen!

There is a nice article (HERE) titled The End of a Fantasy which makes nice reading for we remainers.