I have written several posts about Dominic Cummings (HERE) the so called mastermind of Brexit, but this latest one is a bit of a shocker. In answer to a tweeted question from a Financial Times journalist he apparently concedes the Brexit vote may be an error. This was the exchange yesterday (HERE):
Q: (David Allen Green) Is there anything which could now happen (or not happen) which would make you now wish Leave had not won the referendum result?
A: (Dominic Cummings): Lots! I said before REF was dumb idea, other things shdve been tried 1st. In some possible branches of the future leaving will be an error
Given what Mr Cummings has said and done both during the campaign and afterwards this is absolutely amazing and said in such a casual, cavalier fashion too. This is the future of the nation and our international reputation at stake and he talks about it as if it was a game and the result easily reversible. I am speechless.
I take comfort from the fact that even a man as committed as him may finally be seeing all of the difficulties and uncertainties. Virtually everything will be different in a couple of years and knowing the resistance to change, especially among the older leave voters, it is inconceivable that everyone will be pleased with whatever we end up with. Some may be happy but millions will not.