Monday, 3 July 2017


The Telegraph (HERE) ran a story yesterday quoting figures from the pollsters Survation which show that if the referendum was held today, remain would win with 54%. This in itself is not surprising since it mirrors polls from YouGov (HERE) and The Sunderland Echo (HERE) but what is a shock is that it should appear in The Telegraph which, as far as I can see, has up until now has studiously ignored polling evidence that public opinion on Brexit is slowly changing and Bregetters are finding their voice.

I can't decide if they're softening up their readers for a change of tack where they urge an end to Brexit or if it is intended to shock them into redoubling their efforts to convince remoaners that Brexit will eventually bring a success of sorts.

LBC Radio had a listener call in a few days ago admitting he voted to leave but now regretting it because he felt he had been duped and had destroyed his own son's future. In a report in The New European in a visit to Sunderland, the reporter meets quite a few leave voters who either admit now that it was a mistake or who are wavering in their belief about Brexit. I think this pattern will be repeated and the trickle of bregetters will become a river. As more and more leave voters see others "coming out" as it were, they will be emboldened to do the same, particularly as the economy slows and interest rates rise.