Sunday 30 July 2017


Someone has done a lot of research (I make no claims for its veracity) on a group of rich individuals who donated time, money and expertise to the unofficial campaign in order to persuade a majority of ordinary people to vote against their own best interests and exit the world's greatest trading bloc. Read it HERE. It's called: Brexit the Con.

The right wing press (owned mainly by a lot of other wealthy individuals) supported Brexit and they would no doubt think of the backers as patriots and national heroes pushing back against the establishment. The writer of Brexit the Con does not see them that way and neither do I.

As I said, I do not know if it's accurate but it is a useful reminder that the money to fund the campaign came not from small individual donations but from wealthy men and the most vociferous support came from press barons like Murdoch (Sun), Desmond (The Express), Dacre (The Mail) and the Barclay brothers (The Telegraph). 

Let us hope one day instead of national heroes they become the guilty men of Brexit and reviled in this country for the damage wreaked upon it in their name.