Tuesday 22 August 2017


I don't know if it's me but I have the distinct impression that Brexiteers are becoming nervous and are having to keep reminding us that Brexit will be A GOOD THING. Before the referendum, voters could have been forgiven for thinking that the EU was a kind of lead weight holding back the UK from soaring skywards towards a brighter, more prosperous and golden future. In fact, in the last year the opposite seems to have happened with our growth rate dragging the rest of the EU downwards.

However, Brexiteers like Daniel Hannan, Dominic Lawson, Tim Congdon and Matthew Lynn all have huge confidence in the UK economy and all have published whistling in the dark type pieces in the last few days. But it is all rather like England football supporters just before a big match, jeering at the opposition or shouting obscenities in a half drunken stupor. They usually sober up half way through the second half with the scoreboard against us as they stare alternately at the clock and the pitch while chewing their fingernails and praying for a miracle.

It strikes me that they are offering dangerous hostages to fortune with articles suggesting everything is fine with the economy and backing up David Davis in his lunatic belief that the negotiations are going incredibly well.

I wonder if we shall ever see contrition from any of them? 

We were assured the EU would be tripping over themselves to offer us a good deal and that we would soon be enjoying wealth beyond the dreams of avarice. Now we are being urged to adopt the Dunkirk spirit as we leave Europe bloody and broken after plucking defeat from the jaws of victory.