Tuesday 29 August 2017


The government is continuing to churn out technical notes like this one (HERE) on the treatment of nuclear material and radioactive waste. This seems to be deliberately intended to irritate the EU since it demonstrates once again that we are quite happy to put resources into topics which are not on the table while studiously avoiding doing anything on topics that are. I am thinking here of the Brexit bill. There is no reason for us to stubbornly remain silent on the money except for the political backlash that our government has created for itself by not being honest with the voters.

Incidentally, the technical note on radioactive waste calls for an independent body to settle any disputes arising from the yet-to-be-negotiated agreement.

I am losing count of the number of separate bodies that are going to be needed to police the different bilateral agreements we will be involved in. Soon the EU will begin to look exceptionally streamlined compared to what we are now aiming for. And to think it was sold to us as a great unshackling of ourselves from the dead hands of the Commission.

Another note (HERE) covers even more small details about something called laissez passer (HERE), a travel document issued to civil servants and members of the institutions of the European Union. It is apparently proof of privileges and immunities and the document is valid in all countries of the European Union as well as in over 100 other countries. The UK is asking about whether these should still be fully respected after Brexit. Who knew stuff like this actually existed?