Friday 11 August 2017


James Chapman was Chief of Staff to David Davis from August 2016 until he left (along with two junior ministers and other staff) in June this year. He now works for the PR firm Bell Pottinger. This week In a series of tweets he has set about the government in an extraordinary attack. Before DEXEU he worked for George Osborne at The Treasury so I assume he knows a thing or two about what is actually happening at the heart of government so his tweets are fascinating (HERE). He thinks MPs should form a new party to oppose Brexit.

A few of the tweets not listed in The Guardian article are to Greg Clark (Business Secretary), Karen Bradley (Culture Secretary) and Chris Grayling (Transport) but they are perhaps the most interesting:

To Greg Clark:

"Can you confirm it'll take 7 years to implement alternative to Euratom regime?"

I have no idea if this is true or not but if anyone is in a position to know it is Mr Chapman. Assuming it is true, what does it mean for the negotiations? Presumably we are in an even weaker position than we thought. But this also might affect radiation therapy treatment for cancer as Mr Chapman makes clear in another tweet:

"Has govt yet corrected ministers' claims Brexit will not limit cancer treatments, now condemned as false by every expert body in the land?"

And to Karen Bradley:

"Can you confirm all US broadcasters are moving out of London because of the PM's deranged hard Brexit?"

To Chris Grayling:

"can you confirm airlines won't be able to sell 80% of flights from next March? How are bilateral deals coming?"

Again, I don't know the truth of it but I assume there must be something that he knows which is not public knowledge - or is he just speculating? Perhaps he is just concerned like most remainers that the government hasn't got control of the situation and a car crash is coming.