Monday 7 August 2017


Daniel Hannan has a piece in Conservative Home setting out twelve principles to unite leavers and remainers. It almost looks as if he really wanted to stay in the EU himself even though he campaigned vigorously to leave and has been an advocate of Brexit for years. His principles are remarkably simple and it's hard to discern in them any reasons for leaving the EU. I just give his headings below with my comments but you can read his full article HERE.

1. Britain is a democracy. Yes, it is even as we are member's of the EU so Brexit is irrelevant.

2. Britain should have the closest possible possible relationship with the EU compatible with sovereignty. As we have at the moment?

3. Europe's success matters to us. But Brexit will damage both but the UK most of all

4. Trade benefits everyone. This is just a statement of fact

5. Nothing wrong with the Common Market. Then why leave?

6. All Europe matters. He says 19 countries in Europe are not in the EU - but many of these like Macedonia, Montenegro and  Albania would like to join

7. Timing is not important. No, a disaster is still a disaster, no matter how long it takes.

8. No hard border in Ireland. Brexit almost ensures we will have one

9. Where it works, keep it. He doesn't say where he thinks the EU doesn't work except for:

10. British farming and fishing. He says the CAP and CFP do not work well but since we don't know what comes next no one knows if what replaced them will be better or worse or whether it will work or not.

11. Controlled migration. It is not clear to me we will be able to do this after Brexit or whether government policy will change that much. Many leavers thought "control" meant reduce but they are likely to be disappointed.

12. We pay what we owe. A statement of fact.

These are Mr Hannan's twelve principles to unite the nation. They are simplistic bordering on the childish and give no reasoning behind Brexit at all. It seems as if he had to write something quickly and this was the best he could come up with. It is nonsense.