Thursday 17 August 2017

THE CITY - Are jobs increasing or not?

What are we to make of conflicting reports about Brexit and The City? We apparently have a firm of headhunters (HERE) suggesting Brexit is having a negative impact with financial organisations apparently talking of not if, but when they leave London. The article has the title City haemorrhaging talent. Here is a quote from the article in The Guardian:

"According to headhunters Morgan McKinley there was an 11% slide in the number of City jobs in July, compared with a year ago, and a 33% fall in professionals seeking positions".

Meanwhile, Jon Moynihan (HERE) says The City is expanding with 17% more jobs since the referendum, quoting an article in CityAM (HERE) that said:

"Confidence in the City has bounced back after the snap General Election, with the number of jobs rising 17 per cent in June compared to the same time last year, according to the new Robert Walters City Job Index".

OK, we are talking about two different months, June and July but was there really such a dramatic difference in just 30 days? I imagine both are probably right in some obscure way but on the surface look totally at odds. One or perhaps both of the writers may know they have spun the story in some way. But what is an ordinary person to make of it?  Probably nothing, until the impact of Brexit is absolutely clear we will continue to have this kind of reporting.