Saturday 19 August 2017


Google something like this: "Daily Express Euro turmoil disaster" and take a look at the results. It seems as if the Express is reporting the imminent collapse of the Euro virtually every week and has been doing it for years. This one from April 2016 is typical. It's an article from Leo McKinstry forecasting economic disaster for the EU but there are plenty of others to choose from. I assume Daily Express readers believe this tripe.

So, it may be a surprise to many of the them if they travel abroad and especially to Europe. The exchange rate they are getting seems to be worse than it was when Mr McKinstry's forecast was published last year.

This week the pound sterling reached a new 52 week low against the Euro at 1.09550 to the pound.

It rather looks as if the pound is collapsing rather than the Euro. I wonder what Mr McKinstry makes of it?  I don't see any articles forecasting the demise of the pound but no doubt when it reaches parity with the penny he will admit he was wrong.

And The Telegraph, which campaigned tirelessly for Brexit, has an article (HERE) helpfully explaining how sterling has slipped against every major currency since the referendum. The pound has lost 11% against the dollar, 15% against the Euro and an average of 17% against the BRIC countries. The only countries we seem to have gained on are Turkey and Egypt! These are generally regarded as basket case nations - as we will be soon.