Wednesday 2 August 2017


Tim Stanley, writing in The Telegraph recently puts his finger on a big problem for Conservatives (HERE). Mrs May was elected leader because she was acceptable to both leavers and remainers. There was an ambiguity in her position during the leadership contest last year that she exploited brilliantly. However, now Mr Stanley says she's in a mess because she isn't a proper Brexiteer. This is true, but it also reveals a problem for the Conservatives.

There is a majority of remainers in the parliamentary party. Among the membership there is probably a majority to leave. In a Conservative leadership contest MPs whittle down the prospective candidates until there are just two left and these two are put to the party membership as a whole. The last time if you recall this was going to be Andrea Leadsom and Mrs May. Leadsom dropped out before members voted, leaving Theresa May as leader.

They will need to choose a new leader to replace Mrs May soon, perhaps even before the Brexit process is complete. Do they choose at least one Brexiteer? I personally cannot see the majority of remain leaning MPs enthusiastically giving the membership an opportunity to vote a hard Brexiteer as leader. Is it possible the members will be asked to choose between two remainers? There would be outrage at this. Conservative MPs are known to be devious and they may well engineer a situation where the members are forced to choose between a totally unelectable mad Brexiteer and a popular remainer. Hammond decided not to stand in 2016 but might he be persuaded next time?

Quite a dilemma, a choice between party and country. It looks very difficult. Let us hope they make a hash of it!