Wednesday 30 August 2017

THE POUND/EURO - Mixed reasoning

The Telegraph (HERE) is blaming the Korean crisis for the strength of the Euro and the weakness of the pound - nothing to do with Brexit of course. Investors are seeking a safe haven and have according to The Telegraph somewhat surprisingly chosen the "failing" Euro currency instead of the pound. Meanwhile, The Express (HERE) perhaps gets closer to the truth with an article sub headed: Pound sinks against the Euro as markets expect Brexit to be a SHAMBLES (their emphasis).

The Telegraph is fighting what seems like a rearguard action for Mrs May and Brexit. They claim the EU has launched a "dirty tricks" campaign using social media (HERE) as if Juncker and Barnier were working into the small hours sending out vicious tweets to destabilise our brave negotiators.

I suspect the truth is The Telegraph is more likely to be running a dirty tricks campaign. A story recently claimed the fact the M Barnier could be being paid up to £72,000 more than David Davis "sparked outrage" (HERE) although in our local pub nobody seemed bothered in the slightest.