Tuesday 26 September 2017


David Cameron denies that he regrets calling the referendum although I'm sure he does, even if he won't admit it in public, especially when he lies awake at night running though the Brexit chaos we are forced to live through. However, he may have done the nation a favour in the long run.

Brexit will be a disaster no matter what kind of deal we get from the EU. It will not and cannot replicate what we enjoy now as a member. It will expose Britain's shocking record in productivity and vocational training as well as our second class infrastructure. We are only negotiating to determine how quickly the disaster arrives.

Half the country will be angry if Brexit doesn't happen and the other half will be angry if it does. The Conservatives will be at the epicentre of it all. The only benefit will be to finally lay to rest the myth that we are somehow exceptional. It will show only that we are exceptionally bad at trade and force us to accept our position in Europe as a mid ranking nation inside the EU. This is why Cameron may have done us a favour.

For the the Conservative party it is a lose-lose situation. No one is going to be happy with Brexit and the corollary will be the death of the party and probably the creation of two or three smaller but separate parties. This will be another reason for us to be grateful. One nation Conservatism maybe back on offer and the wackos can have their own extremist agenda to campaign for - preferably in a padded and sound proofed room.