Tuesday 19 September 2017


The most senior civil servant at DEXEU, Oliver Robbins has left his post after what has been described as "tensions" between him and David Davis (HERE). He has moved to No 10 and will continue to lead the negotiations but report to the PM. Previously he reported to both Davis and May. This cannot be good. The department has lost a lot of staff recently (HERE) and changes at the top at this crucial point ahead of May's speech is spectacularly bad timing.

Davis has not made any statement but cannot surely be happy to have his former lead negotiator now reporting directly to his boss. What is Davis' role now? He looks superfluous. May is giving the speech in Florence this week as if she is taking over the job that he was doing and now Robbins has moved to the cabinet office. Brexit appears to get a bigger mess every day.

William Hague is now warning about splits in the party (HERE). He says, "it is now 15 months since the referendum, and high time that all members of the government were able to express themselves on this subject in the same way as each other, putting forward the same points, as part of an agreed plan".

This is the problem isn't it? There is no agreed plan. After months of cabinet level discussion and consultation there is still no agree plan. Stunning.