Thursday 7 September 2017


Hugo Dixon makes a wonderful point with this article on InFacts (HERE). Before the referendum we were told repeatedly that the EU needed us more than we need them. As Mr Dixon points out, if the other countries in the EU really needed us more than we need them, it would be the EU that was pleading with us to show flexibility and accusing us of blackmail. Instead it is the UK who are squealing about how unfair it all is.

I think Davis and Fox and the other Brexiteers make his point for him.

Brexit is not a big issue for the EU. In Germany, our largest EU trading partner and therefore the nation with the most to lose, had a televised leaders debate the other day between Angela Merkel and Martin Schultz. Brexit was not mentioned once. To Davis, who told us the German car industry would be pressurising Merkel to give us a trade deal, this should be a salutary lesson but it probably won't be.