Sunday 1 October 2017


Sometimes it's hard for a remainer like me to fully understand the sheer, stark, unadulterated insanity that permeates the right wing press but an article in The Telegraph (HERE) is a symptom of something beyond ordinary madness. The Labour party it reports, are nudging ahead in some polls but Conservatives shouldn't worry because Brexit could save them. That's right - Brexit could save the Conservative party!!

The word "could" is being used here in the sense that Elvis Presley and Lord Lucan could be found cohabiting in a terraced house in Billericay. Or David Blunkett could win the Masters in Atlanta next year after hitting a series of spectacular holes in one. 

Nothing is going to save the Conservatives. They are like the parrot in the Month Python sketch, finished, deceased and expired. And thinking Brexit could save it from electoral defeat is like suggesting you could avoid coming second in an egg and spoon race if someone detonates a tactical nuclear weapon in your face. Brexit is going to destroy the Tories not save them. The Telegraph cannot see that - yet - and perhaps it never will.