Sunday 24 December 2017


I sometimes think we remainers are like the character Bill Masen in The Day of The Triffids. If you remember he was the man in hospital, in the novel by John Wyndham, recovering from eye surgery when the green meteor shower struck, blinding most of the population of Britain.  Being swathed in bandages Masen was unscathed. Talking to some leave voters you get the impression that they have been affected by a similar mysterious force that blinds them to reality. Any vestige of logic, rational thinking or even basic truths has been erased from their minds, making any sort of sensible debate all but impossible.

The green meteor shower is of course, The Daily Mail, The Telegraph, The Express and the Murdoch press. They have been radiating poison about the EU for thirty years or more and so much has accumulated in the minds of those exposed to it that they are now incapable of seeing any difficulty in Brexit or any good in the EU.

It is up to us now, we are the antidote to the green meteor shower. We need to keep Brexit in the pages of local newspapers, to make sure people realise what it is making them poorer and to see that those who recklessly urged voters to support Brexit, not knowing the consequences, do not escape the blame.

I won't be posting again until after Christmas, but have a Merry one. We are still in the EU!