Saturday 23 December 2017


A few days ago I posted (HERE) about DEXEU and the 44% of staff who want to leave in the next twelve months. I note that The Independent (HERE) has now picked up on the news and cover it along with details from a FOI request showing 1 in 4 posts is unfilled and staff turnover is the highest in the civil service.

The department is described as chaotic and disorganised, which is probably a kindness given the schoolboy stuff published recently in place of the "excruciatingly detailed" but non existent impact assessments.

Jenny Chapman, shadow Brexit minister, said: “In less than a year’s time, the Government expects to sign a deal on Britain’s withdrawal agreement with the European Union. Yet these figures demonstrate how utterly disorganised and underpowered its Brexit operation is. 

“As every day goes by, we see further evidence of this Government’s chaotic approach to Brexit. If Tory ministers won’t take these talks seriously, then they should step out of the way and let Labour deliver the jobs-first Brexit this country needs.