Friday 29 December 2017


Brexit is full of coincidences. In December The Telegraph prints an article by Theresa May claiming the deal with the EU as some kind of great victory (HERE) rather than scraping through the first phase by the skin of her teeth. She says the government is getting on with the job of Brexit and won't be detailed. But is she doing what the people want, the democratic will of the British people?

A new poll for The Independent by BMG (HERE) suggests that the remain side now has a 10% lead. It supports a recent YouGov poll in that the change in opinion doesn't come from people changing their minds but from those who didn't vote in 2016. This group breaks 4:1 in favour of remain. YouGov also found that 6% of leave voters would not vote in any new referendum compared to just 1% of remainers.

So, I can see trouble brewing for the Tories. Brexit will be Mrs May's poll tax. She is pressing on with a policy that was marginally popular in June 2016 but, as the fog clears and all the downsides are revealed, it is losing support and we have barely started. With the best spin in the world it's hard to see any good news coming through for years, if ever. There are more rows, more humiliation, more bad news to come. On social media nobody is happy at the moment. Leavers think we are being taken for a ride by the EU and they're foaming at the mouth while remainers are unhappy with the whole direction of Brexit.

None of this bodes well. There are huge intractable issues coming up in the next quarter that are bound to upset the extreme Brexiteers and add to Mrs May's problems.