Tuesday 26 December 2017


You know the door of reality is beginning to open when you read letters in The Telegraph from readers who are perhaps realising for the first time that Theresa May has conceded everything to the EU without exacting anything in return (HERE). Of course, this is true but we said this would happen didn't we? 

Telegraph readers were among the loudest cheerleaders for Brexit with a profound belief in Britain's unassailable leadership role in a world still dominated by the British Empire. They are in for an almighty shock. They genuinely thought the EU would roll over and concede everything. According to received thinking it was only the incompetence of Cameron that stopped us getting a good deal. Davis was hailed as the ex SAS bruiser who would show them who's boss. Now he has conceded far too much, everything apparently. Who will they put up next, Johnson? Gove?

The truth is nobody is going to get a good deal. It is not even on offer.

Brexit is a slow burning disaster. I sometimes think we will become like one of those South American tribes living deep in the Amazon with no understanding or knowledge of the world outside. While Europe becomes steadily wealthier and we stagnate, many leave voters will be quite happy living in an increasingly distant past. When their kids travel to Europe (on visas) they will be amazed at the living standards, the rising incomes, the quality of the food and the relaxed cafe culture that extends from Stockholm to Athens. After which they will be forced to return to the sweat shop, Singapore in the Atlantic, that Brexit has created for us. And they will weep.