Thursday 4 January 2018


David Davis, in his Telegraph article HERE, talking about the cooperation between Britain and the EU says, “Many of these principles can be applied to services trade too. Given the strength and breadth of the pan-European economic relationship, a deal that took in some areas of our economic relationship but not others would be, in the favoured phrase of EU diplomats, cherry picking”. He is accusing the EU of doing exactly what he himself is doing. You have really got to admire his chutzpah.  

He really wants to have everything we have at present in the economic field but without freedom of movement, paying money into EU and accepting any rules or judgements from the ECJ.

David Campbell-Bannerman, former UKIP and now Conservative MEP, has written an article (HERE) in the same vein. He says the EU will gain nothing by erecting a new "Berlin wall", as he puts it, between them and us. He also wants things to carry on as before but without all the stuff he and Davis don't like.

Of course nothing will be gained by erecting new barriers but this is precisely what we have just done. The EU may have nothing to gain but they have everything to lose by NOT erecting new barriers. If they don't, everyone else will want the same freedom to do anything they like. It would be the end of the EU and is never going to happen. One might also see it as an attempt by Brexit Britain to destroy the EU once and for all, the foreign policy objective of the British right wing for sixty years.