Tuesday 16 January 2018


It appears that Mrs May has more to worry about than just the EU. We already knew that Brussels had limited room for manouver on FTAs because of the terms of the existing deals with Canada and others, but now it seems Norway are warning about renegotiating their access to the single market if we get a better deal than they have (HERE).

No doubt Switzerland and Turkey will also be watching to see what we are offered. They too will demand concessions if we get something they would like to have.

The EU has a delicate balancing act to manage and almost certainly already know exactly what they will propose for the UK and there will be very little room to negotiate. It will be take it or leave it.

And we are still intent on cherry picking in spite of any number of statements from Michel Barnier. Olly Robbins, our chief negotiator has apparently briefed the cabinet that he expects the economy to have three sectors with varying levels of access and degrees of compliance with the acquis communitaire. The EU have said we can't have this. Sounds familiar.

Rafael Behr (HERE) says we need to start getting used to being a third country and recounts that David Davis complained in his leaked memo, that the EU is going to treat us as a third county. This is probably because we voted to become a third country. Why Davis feels he has to complain I really don't understand.