Wednesday 3 January 2018


If you have been following the Wolchover Action Group at you will know the Metropolitan Police have decided to take no action but have refused to reveal the legal advice that they rely on to reach their decision. You might remember, Mr Wolchover alleges there has never been a constitutionally correct decision to leave the EU and believes the PM has committed misconduct in a public office by triggering Article 50.

The legal arguments that leads Wolchover to his conclusion can be found HERE.

The last email received in December from Stuart Cundy at the Metropolitan Police is HERE.

I don't believe the action group will just let the matter drop and accept the legal advice that the Met say they have received. I imagine the group will now be considering options. Applying to the Information Commissioner's Office would seem the next step but they may apply for a judicial review. Whatever happens I think constitutionally the Wolchover argument needs to be tested in court sooner rather than later. If at some point the question of the legality of Brexit arises it would be a nightmare for everybody.

As Mr Wolchover has said before, it cannot be that the whole basis of Brexit is proceeding on the basis of an implication contained in the notification of Article 50, rather than an explicit decision by act of parliament affirming the decision to leave the EU.