Wednesday 7 February 2018


With Brexit I sometimes half expect Graham Chapman to appear stage left interrupting a Monty Python sketch dressed in British army officer's uniform before telling us it was "too silly" and unilaterally bringing it to an end. I had this impression after reading an article in The Telegraph (HERE) which expresses outrage that Brussels is "plotting" to strip Britain of access to the single market during the transition. This is the same single market The Telegraph urged us to strip ourselves of access to, on June 23rd 2016. The writer does not appear to understand irony.

There seems to be growing anxiety that Brussels is eating the cake.

I'm not sure if the complaint is that we might be denied access to something we don't actually want or that those smart arsed Eurocrats in Brussels are deviously plotting to give us what the prime minister has asked for. It's very hard to know.

You have to laugh don't you. Well, you do if you don't want to cry.

The BBC report it HERE and Politico HERE. Both are a bit more measured than The Telegraph - but then they would be wouldn't they?