Poor old Norman Tebbit, he has finally lost touch with reality. This article in The Telegraph (HERE) recently shows that he is no longer firmly connected to the world as we know it. He can't wait for March 2019 when he says we can "regain our independence". This is our independence to continue to follow every scintilla of EU law as if we are still a member.
He reserves his greatest ire for the Lib Dem peers in the House of Lords for their "nitpicking obstructionism" otherwise know as parliamentary scrutiny. He says they have supinely allowed their "masters in Brussels" - (or as we know it the European Union of which we are a member and where we send duly elected representatives to help make decisions on behalf of all of us) - to legislate without our consent and to exert their power in our land. He does not seem to realise that our government ministers and MEPs vote on every EU law, they just don't want to admit it afterwards when it's unpopular.
As for nitpicking obstructionism, I don't remember him criticising UKIP for all the nitpicking obstructionism they have indulged in for almost thirty years. They have taken EU money to get their MEPs elected so they could go to Brussels and Strasbourg to do nothing but obstruct progress in any and every way they can. I assume his silence on this means he approves of obstructionism when it suits him.
And finally, one feels sorry for Tebbit if he thinks the rest of us - the 48% and growing - are going to lie down and accept Brexit supinely. No we are going to show him and UKIP what nitpicking obstructionism really is. He ain't seen nuthin' yet.