Wednesday 30 May 2018


Something slightly odd is happening over at Conservative Home (HERE) that should perhaps worry the government. This month they are carrying out a survey to gauge the level of confidence members have for the government's handling of the Brexit negotiations. The result hasn't been published yet but at the time of writing there were 499 comments and as far as I can see not one professes to have any confidence in Mrs May or indeed anybody in government. This should be shocking on a website dedicated to the views of ordinary Conservative party members.

But perhaps even more shocking is that about 200 of the comments are about the jailing of Tommy Robinson, the former leader of the EDL (The English Defence Leage), for contempt of court. Many respondents say the newspapers didn't report the jailing at the time - seemingly oblivious of the fact that the courts ordered a news blackout to avoid problems with the trial that Robinson was accused of harming.

I think this shows how the party membership has moved to the extreme right. There is an awful lot of vitriol about the prime minister and anyone perceived as a secret remainer bent on keeping the UK inside the EU. 

One can only fear for the future. If May succeeds in taking us out of the EU it will be a disaster. If she doesn't it will also be a disaster - for her and for social cohesion in this country.

To heal the divisions caused by Brexit is going to take the wisdom of Solomon and I genuinely cannot see who is capable of doing it.