Wednesday, 27 June 2018


A little while ago I pointed out that Guido Fawkes (HERE) had a blog post: Eurotunnel:Don't buy the scaremongering - trying to suggest all the warnings of chaos at Dover were unfounded. He used a single page from GetLink's (the tunnel's owner) presentation to company shareholders which actually confirmed the warnings (the scaremongering) that extra "border processing" might  be needed.

Now from Reuters we get a report (HERE) that BMW alone need 150 trucks from Europe every day to keep their mini factory going and they send 118 trucks the other way - presumably with finished vehicles. In the report Eurotunnel are mentioned:

"Eurotunnel, the company which runs trains that carry lorries and cars through the undersea tunnel between Britain and France, said that at peak times 250 trucks per hour travel in each direction. Making checks on such traffic volumes with the current infrastructure would be difficult.

If friction means inspection then we have to have space for inspection and in the tunnel, and in the port of Dover’s context, there is no space, they are literally on the cliff there’d have to be some form of inland space,” said Eurotunnel’s UK director of public affairs John Keefe".

If we leave the SM and the CU there will be delays, this will cause infrastructure problems for Eurotunnel and the port of Dover which are solvable in the medium term but certainly not by next March. More importantly, it will destroy the trade in JIT manufacturing that requires parts from and for Europe and also fresh produce.

What's the odds of finding this news on the Guido Fawkes website? 

Like most of the pro-Brexit press, all bad news on Brexit is ignored, while any bit of apparently good news or even neutral news is seized on like an addict desperate for a fix to get through the next few days. Sooner or later Brexiteers will have to go cold turkey and face the horrible truth. Brexit is a disaster. We know it and in the next few months, they will know it too.