Thursday 7 June 2018


David delivered his speech yesterday at RUSI (Royal United Services Institute) as this humorous item in The Independent explains (HERE). In the speech, where he begged not to be punished, he told the gathered press that:

The report quotes Davis as saying:

“Anyone who suggests the UK can’t be trusted and isn’t the proven friend of every European country needs to study their history,” Davis said, in a message for his opposite numbers in Brussels, all of whom are entirely familiar at least with Britain’s very recent history, in which David Davis has shown on at least 20 occasions that he has not the faintest idea what he is talking about.

However, the best comment on Davis' speech came from an on-line commenter who gave us a bit more insight into what the audience thought about it. This is it:

As a member of RUSI I can let the readers know that his words were greeted with polite but subdued applause. After he departed there was a period of silence followed by considerable laughter. One esteemed and highly regarded member made mention that Britain has at one time or another been an enemy of every single region of the European continent; but never until now all of them at the same time. More laughter ensued.

This is what we are reduced to. Our lead negotiator in the most important talks we have had for over seventy years is regarded as a joke, mocked and laughed at behind his back. The worst of it is that he deserves it all.